Here is the most spooky-till-you-nearly-had-Goosebumps; Malaysia has one kind of tradition
way on how to be a charming person; that is insert needles or other precious
metals inside your soft tissues! Surely,
you did not believe what you have read before, but that is the truth. Nevertheless, is there a good scientific
explanation about this weird and spooky kind of treatment? Well, if I am going to answer that, I say the
best answer is, GHOST.
One said every single people around the globe do afraid of ghost. However, not the Malay, they live with it.
Until now, the Malay is using the ghosts.
They use it as a charm, guardian of their plantation, talisman and many
more. Susuk is a Malay tradition way to
get the benefits that I had listed before, Islam has forbids the Muslim to use
susuk as it is against their belief. One
has to put precious stones or needles in their soft needles and a bit spells
and other creepy and weird stuff to obtain susuk. Nowadays, the usage of susuk could be
detected easily by using the modern medical technology that is radiography.
As such, susuk has to remove once before its user gets old or falls ill or
the utmost important, before he or she DIE.
Removing the susuk also required the skills from the knowledgeable
person; usually the same person who put the susuk in one’s body at the first
place. It could bring more pain if the
person could not remove the susuk before his or her death. However, removing the susuk that was
originally used for beauty will cause the person’s face to be reverted to his
or her natural age within six months.
Can I make a constructive criticism here? I think that it is best that you write this in Bahasa....the English is atrocious and it is rather embarrassing if other non- Malaysians read it and have the wrong perception that Malaysians speak horrible English
ReplyDeleteI think u should do susuk
Deleteanon, I think u should do susuk instead
ReplyDeletemy dad did susuk 2
DeleteI heard that maher zain did susuk too.... astaga..
DeleteI think you are all full of shit!
ReplyDeleteI think u are full of susuk
DeleteYou better watch your back then, full of shit crap head!
ReplyDeleteAny other cleaver comments kaki susuk
ReplyDeleteDiam sahaja huh? Mana semua susuk kaki huh?
ReplyDeleteSusuk well I know about it from someone who is Indonesian and I've briefly read up on it and you know what when you start messing with what God gave you that shows that you as an individual are mentally ill in some form. It's the biggest load of bullshit I've ever heard or read about etc etc etc
ReplyDeleteEvery human being will answer to GOD at some point in their existence because every single one of us has thought or done something impure....That's what society does to people's minds and then your screwed basically
Referensi diatas sangat membantu sekali dalam memahami apa makna susuk itu sendiri.
Nah untuk anda yang sedang mencari tempat pasang susuk yang aman dan telah terbukti khasiatnya, silahkan kunjungi
semoga bermanfaat dan bisa membantu dalam kehidupan saudara.