Myths That is A Fact

Pirates of the Caribbean.  Every single living thing in this world knew about the existence of this epic journey and they had also watched it, as it was one of the best production from Walt Disney but, does anyone know that the mighty Black Pearl had also been sailed by Malay peoples?  Does anyone know about that?  Surely the answer is a big NO.  Do you still remember when Captain Hector Barbossa went to Temasek (now it is known as Singapore) to find the navigational chart in Pirates of The Caribbean - At World’s End?  At that time the Malay people has the expertise on what Captain Barbossa was looking for.  Here are some evidences that you may see.

19th Malay Regiments of Royal British Navy, a group of pirates that has 340 army, had brought chaos at Malacca Straits sometime in 19th century.  Without any acceptable reasons, they had turned themselves in to British Royal Navy (BRN).  His majesty, instead of giving death punishments to them for making chaos in Malacca Straits, ordered them to work under BRN, leaded by Captain John Davie (also known as Captain Davvy Jones) because of their bravery.

In early 1800, they had launched mutiny over BRV, causing so much loss of British’s people and properties.  They took over a DOZEN of BRV’s ships and sailed off to the sea.  Some of them gone to Arab sea while others sailed off to Britain and America but all of them brought along fatal chaos to those country.

In the end, the 19th Malay regiments had been known as “the cursed regiment” and they kept their words “Bourne to sail at sea in ETERNITY” until their final breath.

Now, lets make a comparison between the facts and the movies.                  
·         Captain John Davie (Captain of the Cursed Regiments) – Captain Davvy Jones
·         19th regiment munitied on British – Black Pearl’s seacrew mutinied on British
·         3 Malay pirates hang on Queen’s Dock – 3 pirates hang in Pirates of The Caribbean -  The Cursed of The Black Pearl
·         19th Regiment took over BRN’s ships – Captain Jack Sparrow took over BRN’s ships

Hard to believed, right?  But it is not a myth anymore.  For now, it is a true hard-to-believe facts that Malay, had sailed with the Pirates of The Caribbean…


  1. Gambar dlm format png ke tu bang? kalau betul telahan saya sila buat dlm bentuk jpeg kemudian postkan, baru clear. tq

  2. Fiction bro fictionnn

  3. Salam...
    Teruja terasa bila ada yang mengandaikan filem tersohor, PoTC adalah berasaskan kosah benar sekumpulan hero Melayu. Namun malangnya, saya gagal menemui sebarang perkaitan antara artikel rujukan saudara dengan kisah susulan hasil kajian saudara.

    Artikel 1 menyatakan, satu pemberontakan telah dilancarkan oleh penduduk tempatan (ceylon atau sri lanka) terhadap pentadbiran British. Satu garisson (kubu/kem) British yang terdiri dari laskar Melayu dari 1st Malay Regimen telah ditawan. Dan diaebut tiada tanda2 laskar Melayu telah berpaling tadah.
    Major Davie yang menjadi pegawai memerintah bersama 3 pegawai Melayu telah ditawan oleh pemberontak dan nasib keempat2 mereka tidak diketahui.
    Artikel 2 pula menyatakan, Major Adam Davie, pegawai pemerintah 1st Malay Regiment adalah anak kepada John Davies. Major Adam Davies telah meninggal of natural causes dan bukannya secara siksaan atau yang seumpamanya sepertimana sering diperkatakan.

    Artikel 3 pula menyatakan, satu cubaan rampasan berlaku diatas kapal Sally & Mary. Rampasan diketuai oleh seorang Melayu. Dalam insiden tersebut, pegawai pemerintah kapal dan beberapa pegawai berbangsa Inggeris telah cedera parah. Namun, rampasan berkenaan telah gagal apabila ketua rampasan yang berbangsa Melayu tersebut telah terjun ke laut atas sebab yang tidak dinyatakan.

    Artikel berikutnyabpula sekadar membuktikan kehadiran hamba abdi berketurunan Melayu di pulau St Helena, tempat Napoleon Bornaparte ditahan selepas penangkapan beliau.

    Artikel ke5 pula menceritakan insiden penangkapan 3 orang pelayar berbangsa Melayu setelah mereka mencuri barangan bernilai 350 pound sterling daripada kapal tempat mereka bekerja.

    Jadi, kesimpulan yang dapat saya buat ialah berdasarkan rujukan yang saudara lampirkan, memang tiada kaitan langsung antara filem PoTC dengan kisah lanun Melayu.

    Fact is fact...

  4. Cerita di adaptasi dari buku The Black Pearl Of Peihoo A Tale Of The Malay Seas By Stanley Portal Hyatt

  5. Not surprising because, historically, Malays were great seafaring people, fishermen and had excellent knowledge of the sea
