
The ring used in ceremony
Generally, 'perennial' is a jinn or genii, inherited from one human to another human being, either consciously or unconsciously, usually involving the descent.

             Actually, anything genie / jinn are perennial no matter inherited jinn race, all the ghosts spooky love, jinn martial arts, Sufi jinn, jinn medical / perbomohan, genie ancestors and others.

But for the Malay community, 'perennial' best understood as a genie / ancestors descended from the great grandmother or great grandfather to the younger people who have blood relationship with him as a child, grandchild and nephew.

             And more specifically it is called 'perennial' when the genie  can affect children and grandchildren because there are certain things that should happen but does not occur. If there is no confusion, rarely mention the Malay community as a perennial.

Genii of martial arts / martial arts and traditional medicine is not mentioned by most global mobi perennial. Malays. Usually, some of the muslims genni are not referred as perennial.

             Late human like to take genii as their assistants to take care of home, family, estate, medical, and others. It is the culture that each family getting past assistants from among the genii, if not, one seems incomplete.

Smokes used to call up the spirit
            Displaying longer jin age than the age of man, there are hundreds (the short age) and often thousands of years. As has been no agreement between the proprietor genii earlier, then the genie will continue to reach out to his master forever as long as is not removed (discard called milfoil). After the last owner died, the genie will assist to the next descendants nd so on until the genie is dead or removed.

This perennial reduction can occur in two situations;

Occur directly: People who have a perennial that is blatantly told me that he revealed his knowledge to a particular person. Mostly involved the heirs are not aware that what is revealed or inherited it is composed of genii or spirits. They think that they are privileged compared to the other heirs have inherited mysticism.

Occur in accordance with: The decrease is occurring in accordance with the jinn themselves, especially if the beneficiary has died.

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